FAQ (Guests)

Common questions that guests may have when considering to stay at one of our properties.

Why do I need to sign a Rental Agreement?

- We require all guests to sign a rental agreement to provide protection directly between ourselves, the properties we manage, and the guests that we host.

When will I receive my digital guidebook and my door code? 

- You will receive your digital guidebook as soon as you sign the online rental agreement form. You will receive your door code and other check-in instructions the day prior to check-in. 

What time is Check-In and Check-Out?

- Check-in is at 3:00 while check-out is at 11:00. 

Can I check in early or check out late? 

-We can sometimes allow an early check in or later check out, but it is not guaranteed. Please reach out to us and we will let you know. The best way to guarantee an early check-in or late check-out is to reserve the extra night if available.

Could I receive a discount if I book a certain number of nights? 

-Our rates are currently discounted as low as they can go. Extended stay rates are automatically applied to stays over 7 days.