FAQ (Property Owners)

Questions that you may have as a property owner when considering Experience Louisiana as your property manager.

Do I need to have my property already furnished?

- Yes, we will assist you in furnishing your property to meet our specific standards.

How hands off will this be for me as a property owner?

- We will take care of all levels of management of your property. After we work with you to furnish your property accordingly, we will schedule for all hardware to be installed including but not limited to the camera, automatic door lock, noise monitoring machine, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, etc. We will setup online listings and from there take care of all communication with guests, cleaners, handyman, etc., along with submitting to property owners monthly financial statements. 

Will there be a setup fee for these services?

- Yes, there will be a setup fee that covers the following:

How can you guarantee that my property will be safe and secure and prevent trouble for my neighbors? How will you minimize the possibility of renting to troublesome guests as well as prevent parties from occurring?

What am I required to pay?

- As the property owner, you are required to pay for utilities such as electricity, water, wastewater, internet, and garbage. We also require property owners to have general liability insurance.